Friday, March 2, 2012

I See A Garden

The new baby shrubberies were planted. I can sit on my front porch and really see a garden taking shape before me. All those dark green dots in a sea of grey and brown will grow to form the bone structure of the garden that is becoming.

The new Mugo Pines were planted on the slope below the roadside wildflower bed. They will line a path in the crease of the two slopes that will lead to the top. These two pines repeat the same texture and structure of three other Mugo pines planted above along the driveway.

Bosnian Pines will grow into trees. The clumping bamboo will grow thick and tall and block the view of the culvert and a bit of the scenic byway. I am hoping this year the bamboo will decide to leap. It looks happy enough.

In the bottom right of this picture with the circle of fresh woodchip mulch is where Magnolia x 'Jane' landed. It will become a magnificent focal point in the spring.

The three Blue Star Junipers were planted in a line of sorts with the two planted long ago. I want them to become part of the low mounding tapestry of texture and color that is planned for this slope. The line of them may need a second thought. I looked them over, planned ahead and decided to leave it as is for now. There is a lot of ground to cover on this slope. The line looks a bit rigid now, but as things get added, particularly another drift of undecided dwarf evergreens it should be alright.

Now I am itching to go to a real nursery and see what new kind of evergreen will strike my fancy. The low mounding tapestry of texture and color has to have a back bone that will carry it through the barren months of winter. I'm also planning ahead for my decrepitude. I need to go find out if the real nursery is open yet.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new shrubberies; you chose well! I can't wait till your magnolia blooms for the first time.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE that rock snake every time I see it! I need to get me one. Judy

Carol Michel said...

I'm going to see a garden, too!

Carolyn Choi said...

It's lookin' good, Christopher. I visited our local garden center today and saw evergreen viburnums for the first time. They would make a lovely addition to a woodland garden. Just sayin'.

Carolyn Choi said...

P.S. I just got my new blog, Sweet Home and Garden Carolina started up. If you click on my name you'll see it.