Tuesday, July 23, 2013

This Is The Wildflower Meadow

So many gardeners these days think they want.

There are pros and cons to this kind of garden.

It only has to be mowed once a year and when the meadow has its bloom on, it is indeed something to behold.

But don't listen to anyone who tells you how easy and low maintenance a wildflower meadow is. They lie.

The weeding and editing out of the unwanted that is required to achieve this kind of bloom is not for the faint of heart. But no one will ever notice if you miss a few weeds.

So you think you want a wildflower meadow?

It would drive a good number of gardeners absolutely insane.


Lola said...

Wildflowers are pretty but I would go insane trying to keep it organized.But I sure would try.
It's gorgeous. Hats off to you my friend.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Ha, I would not want all that work. I admire your tenacity.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lola organized is not a word that fits this situation, yet.

Lisa I need tenacity since I lack the budget needed for this amount of garden.

Sallysmom said...

I would love a wildflower meadow. Alas, I don't have the soil for it.

beverly said...

But you didn't ask for this meadow; that's what you got! And you have vastly improved it. Congrats on working with your site instead of trying to make it something incongruous.

Christopher C. NC said...

Sallysmom a wild flower meadow will do fine in relatively poor soils if you choose the right species.

Bev there is a reason it is called the sunny utility meadow. Someone is going to manage it. I'd prefer it be me. Right after I sprayed one thick patch of clematis I noticed the entire utility easement was turning brown and that trees all along the highway under the wires were dying. Eight miles of highway. The utility company had been out spraying big time. My heart skipped a beat and I saw that they stopped right at my property line and went no further. I don't really know why they knew to stop where they did.

Lola said...

I'm so glad they stopped. Maybe they too enjoy the blooms.

Rose said...

Oh, yes, this is the wildflower meadow I want to have! But knowing me, after planting it, it would turn into a plot of weeds:) I'm glad you have the perseverance, Christopher--I'll just enjoy yours.