Tuesday, August 26, 2014

9 AM

I'd rather stay home

And meditate

On the wonders of editing.

7 PM. I went to work of course.

An hour or so of gazing and wandering ever so slow twice a day is pretty good.

I can sit for a while down on the Great Lawn in the cool of the evening and gaze up.

I saw the tiny hole and buzzing swarm after the last mowing and thought, should I spray the hornet nest before the sisters arrive? No. It won't last long. In less than two days some varmint dug it up and ate the whole thing. That hole was all nest just below a thin covering of grass.

The garden is truly buzzing now.


Lola said...

And buzzing beautifully I may add. Love it.

Gaia Gardener: said...

The hornet nest wouldn't last long because winter's coming? Or because you were sure that a varmint would come along and eat it? I'm wondering how common the latter is when an area is reasonably in balance.....


Christopher C. NC said...

Cynthia I knew a varmint would get it same as last year. Every year at this time I find a number of dug ground nests here and in some gardens I tend. The very next day I found another dug nest on the path through the other meadow. I suspect a skunk though a bear is a real possibility. I just think a bear would make more of a mess.

If a nest is up high in a tree or not a problem on the house, then winter will take care of it.