Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Walk In The Wild Cultivated Gardens

After I scraped the first layer of crud off the inside of the house, changed and cleaned all the water filters, did two loads of laundry and harvested sacks of fine produce, I went for a walk in the garden.

Another week to ten days will make a dramatic difference.

Please join me as I amble along to see what I might see.

Big flowers

Colored texture

Stationary bees

Uncle Ernie in his verdant glory

Plants that wander about

Or spread

And self sow

Astilbe still blooming

More beebalm

Hydrangea and the ragweed that wasn't

Plenty of hosta

The Great Blue Lobelia

All in the wild cultivated gardens


Lola said...

I enjoyed "our" walk. So pretty.

Christopher C. NC said...

It was a lovely walk Lola. Kitties have not been joining of late. Miss Collar is getting lazy and Button has varmints to chase.

Rebecca said...

Splendor in the grass!

Danna said...

You also have some nice shots of the insects that frequent your garden. If I were a bee or a butterfly, I'd be happy to visit your flowers!