Thursday, August 14, 2014

This Is What My Weeds Do

They bloom in a rainbow of colors and it is just getting started.

The mystery weed this year that looked suspiciously like giant ragweed has turned out to be Rudbeckia triloba, Brown-Eyed Susan. It has appeared in a least a half a dozen locations in the sunny utility meadow and the ridge top garden. Now the mystery is how did they get there? It is possible they came in some seed packages that were sown about, but no one remembers.

That's just one more reason not to edit things out until you know what they are.

If only the gifted and much shorter purple New England Aster was as prolific a self sower as the tall unmanageable species that came with the place. The short nice ones have been returning for years as single stems and that is all they have done.

Nice weeds.

Now the Clematis stans just needs to acquire weed status. I have found two seedling so far. It has some potential.

It was ruthless for me. I killed everything growing on the basement patio except for seven plants of three species. This is what I got. I see no reason not to enjoy my weeds while the finished project lingers in the future. Just think of all those seeds that will be blown around in the winter winds.


Lola said...

I remember. Flowers are pretty even on the side of roads.

Rebecca said...

With weeds like these, who needs flowers?