Thursday, December 15, 2016

Bloom Day Vortex

It looked safe out there. A glance at the temperature and looking at the wind indicated extreme danger. There was even a dusting of frozen on the ground.

The vortex had arrived in the night. It was COLD out there.

There were repeated brief excursions that ended quickly in cold.

I kept adding layers for each new venture out.

Oh, it's Bloom Day. This could be a problem. I have a vortex to contend with. Not even the Witch Hazel would open on a day this COLD.

I do have an orchid that is getting ready to bloom again. This orchid has been very generous with the flowers. It blooms ten months out of the year. Just not today.

But look, Indy, we have flowers. I swore I was not going to be having house plants. That didn't work out so well. There is a flower for Bloom Day.

I added another layer mid-afternoon and went for a COLD walk. I am plotting design enhancements for the winter Under Garden so I have a plan for early spring planting before the Lush returns. I need a line of evergreen color on the right above the frozen, golden brown iris.

My first thought was rejected. I don't need more yellow. I'll think on it some more.

The red twig dogwoods I have planted are not happening. I'm thinking they don't like my elevation. After many seasons it is time to give it up and frame in the Great Lawn with more of the evergreen Doghobble, Leucothoe sp.

I have found the need and space for adding another texture and color of conifer on the slope below the cozy cabin. I will go shopping one early spring day and find it, whatever it may be. I might need a touch of columnar.

I continue to ad dabs of living paint on the earth that is my canvas. I can see a picture emerging from the abstract. I see the influence of millennia spoken from the earth itself. I didn't plot it out. I listened and did, merely the conduit. There is a story to tell.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Your story is coming right along.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lisa there have been several vortex contemplation days now and all the rain has pressed the chop and drop flat. The story is coming through more clearly which is why I am finding embellishments that can be done.

Andrea said...

It looks like the greens are almost gone there now! I don't know what you mean by vortex?

Christopher C. NC said...

Kalantikan the vortex is a blast of super cold Arctic air.