Thursday, May 10, 2018

A Walk In The Spring Meadow

Before the first path mowing.

I've been out walking.

Editing. Inspecting. Looking for the returnees to come up bigger and stronger.

Now is the time to nudge the Tall Flower Meadow in a new direction.

While it is still short.

I've been on the hunt for Goldenrod to pull. Got plenty.

I like yellow. I'm fine with that. I don't like thuggish. Goldenrods lean thuggish. It is time to push back.

I have been running a plant rescue mission of late. A number of poorly performing conifers that had to leave client's gardens have followed me home the last couple years. Some are worth giving a second chance in a better spot of ground.

It will be many years before I know if any of it was a success.

The maintenance gardener begins to get a little twitchy when the paths are hard to follow. I know where they are. If the maintenance gardener thinks a visitor would have trouble, it is getting time for the first whacking.

The Great lawn can wait. I just whack a path across to start.

Where things come up is important to their survival. These trilliums are safe.

Out there in a spring meadow all kinds of activity is going on.

And it doesn't take long once things get growing that a good whacking is in order. One strong element of civilized is enough to turn the wild into a garden.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Go wacky....

Christopher C. NC said...

Ha ha. Good one Lisa. I think I have.

Sallysmom said...

Do you plan to have a veg garden?