Thursday, July 15, 2021

Bloom Day In The Wild Cultivated Gardens

We have come upon another Bloom Day. Flowers are popping out all over the place. Shall we go wander?

The Tall Flower Meadows have and are reaching blooming height. There are more flowers by the day.

There are hundreds of daylilies all over the place. From catalogs, divisions, self sowing and who knows what else.

There is Beebalm in several colors, mostly red.

And waves of Gooseneck Loosestrife.

A gifted 'Haas Halo' hydrangea has grown to meadow living size.

It's July. We have a fireworks display up by the roadside.

The roadside vegetable garden's feral parsnips are in bloom.

Daylilies line the rickety split rail fence. They're everywhere.

The biggest bloom for July happens in the roadside vegetable garden and the sunny utility meadow. Plenty sun for an early summer bloom.

I see Stokesia.

The marjoram turned wild and makes a purple haze at mid level. I plugged a lot of liatris in with it. You will have to come back next week to see that.

Erigeron annuus blooms beside the cozy cabin because I let it. When it is done a growing patch of Hardy Begonia will take over the display.

No blooms on the Voodoo Lilies this year. Did yours?

So it goes in the wild cultivated gardens with flowers that keep coming all summer long and well in to fall.

Be sure to visit Carol at Bloom Day Headquarters for more flowers from around the world. I'm going to set and rest for a spell.


Lea said...

I love the look of flowers gone wild, but I would be afraid of snakes!

Lisa said...

It all looks so lovely and green! Cool looking. I love the daylilies.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lea yesterday I saw a bear.

Lisa it is Lush out there.

Yvonne said...

I garden fairly wild and native with exceptions, but I don't think I have as much sun as you. Most of my plants are in dappled shade and more demure. Not as colorful as yours. I do love daylilies, and your garden looks so happy and lovely. I enjoy reading your post to see what has changed from last time.