Sunday, August 15, 2021

A Bloom Of Fine Produce

This is the roadside vegetable garden on feral parsnips gone to seed. It was time to tidy things up a bit. Harvest season of fine produce is well under way.

The finished parsnips were removed. As one can imagine, hundreds of seeds spilled into the garden in the process.  Oh well. The paths around the outside edges got whacked. The remaining unbloomed parsnips can be harvested after the first frosts.

More tidy. The better to find fine produce.

Thelma Sanders Sweet Potato squash is this year's big producer. The squash department is always unpredictable.

Red tomato

Yellow tomato

I looked into the Black Turtle Beans. Looking good, but they are a couple of weeks away from being dried on the vine.

Some Butternut squash. There has been a lot of yellow squash, fat sacks of Lazy Wife Pole Beans and two kind sweet peppers. The potatoes are ready to dig.

The okra is knee high and blooming. Not much time left by mid-August. Will there be okra? Only the hot will tell.

The Ironweed is near ten feet tall and starting to bloom. A Joe Pye snuck in.

It's a Bloom Day of fine produce in the roadside vegetable garden. Carol at May Dreams Gardens Bloom Day headquarters will surely approve.

Uncle Ernie does.


Anonymous said...

Look at all that produce! I wish I had the space to grow more produce. Luckily I have plenty of neighbors who are generous with what they grow.

Christopher C. NC said...

You have good neighbors Angie. My fine produce gets distributed a bit in my travels. We can't eat it or freeze it all.

vickie said...

How do you keep the deer from eating your fine produce?

Christopher C. NC said...

Luck. My deer don't like dining much along this busy country road.

betty-NZ said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing your lovely garden.

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