Sunday, August 8, 2021

It Is Done

Some of it anyway. There are a lot of paths and edges out there.

Today was my gardens turn. It is the perfect time for a good mowing as the Tall Flower Meadow goes in to full bloom.

Shall we go for a stroll in a freshly mowed garden? The meadow is feeling quite civilized.

This has been an exceptional bloom year in the meadows.

Then I realized, nothing has been squashed yet. The pestilence has been subdued,

The Great Lawn

Now mowed.

This is where my ashes go. I hope. Swirling down the drain.

I'll have sky lights.

This is a pretty good record of how I keep things mowed during the Lush period and the actual layout of the grounds should anyone ever be curious to know how to find the garden.

It might not be readily discernable shortly after I am gone.

In the hiss of a summer lawn.

A meadow begins high bloom.

Pedal on.

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