Sunday, August 22, 2021

A De-Fleaing

There was another bigger, more destructive and more deadly flash flood from a freak rain in middle Tennessee yesterday. The hand writing is on the wall. A de-fleaing is underway.

I moved furniture and all the stuff and vacuumed for three hours today. Indoor flea spray was used.

What is one to do when the hand writing is on the wall?

Keep putting one foot in front of the other.

In order to remain safely in place with your head above water.

This picture hurts my eyes. There is too much going on. A churning slightly out of focus.

A place to rest the mind.

A de-fleaing is underway.


Tracy said...

I like the hanging on the diagonal

Christopher C. NC said...

I like it better on the diagonal too Tracy. I tried it above the door. It just fits. That was not better. On the door was better.