It is partly due to the loss of time references when your life is not structured by chronic employment.

Then too, the flowers that remain are playing worse than second fiddle, more like the cymbals in the far back row to the crescendo of the forest trees reaching their peak color.

This little project weighs on my mind as well. I've been up on the roof working to finish off the connecting wall between the loft and living room. The small angled windows are framed in. The ice shield roof underlayment is on. Next comes the tar paper and house wrap on the wall. Then the last bit of metal roof can be put on.

The flower bed at the top of the drive is fading into rest while the forest across the street comes alive.

The variations of color

Make individual trees stand out to a degree not seen in the summer green.

A flat green turns

Into dimples of fiery color.
Hi Christopher, I have been worried about those last little bits of cabin sealing way up in the clouds. It seems you are getting them completed before the cold comes this weekend, they are predicting anyway. Do you have leaf peepers, or looky looks we used to call them coming by your road to check out the fall foliage? Business at the Hop is picking up with the tourists coming to town and gas available now.
Christopher, I'm so glad that you have the cozy cabin completed to this point. Doesn't seem to be so very much left to do. Not to mention the outside wall. Maybe a couple more days, hopefully before it gets too cold.
I really enjoy looking at your beautiful color of leaves. I guess it will start to pick up now that that famous time of yr has arrived.
Christopher, The picture you painted with your words is hypnotic...by the time I got to 'Into dimples of fiery color' I was on the mountain standing there and breathing into a sweet state of relaxation!
The cabin is lovely and how exciting that you will soon be inside. Enjoy the day!
What happens to people who live in a place like this, Christopher? Are they still knocked over by the beauty or do the views lose power with familiarity?
There are few colorful leaves to peep at around Austin, but a drive out to Bandera County can give Texans a look at some Lost Maples.
Good luck with battening the hatches before the weather changes!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
There hasn't been much fall color here but I'm still hoping. It is beautiful where you are.
That last photo just about took my breath away. I have to remind myself, when I envy you such beauty, that there is also beauty here where I am, and around each of us, if we just stop to look.
Beautifully written and gorgeous colors.
Hi Christopher,
Gorgeous photos! I am glad to know that little piece of the cabin way up high is getting done before the Building Contractor goes to warmer climates for the winter. Enjoy your beautiful weather and show of color. I do love to see all these photos of yours! This was a great post!
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