Aah, much better macro focus with a shorter focal distance of 4.7 inches.

So I couldn't live with the spot on my camera lens and bought a new one with a little more focal power. But it may be that there is meant to be a Spot in my life. A kitty has appeared that comes when you call her and lets you actually pet her and pick her up. She has one white spot on her chest. Will I be having a cat at last? Are you my Spot?

This could be it, the first frost tonight or Monday morning. There will be some big black spots in the roadside vegetable garden soon. I picked four plastic grocery bags of the bigger green tomatoes to add to the two bags of ripening tomatoes I picked yesterday. I don't know what a light frost would do to them, but once the vines are dead what is the point of leaving them out there in the cold. I left a ton of the smaller tomatoes on the vine. There is only so many you can deal with.

I think that last full moon should be called the Long Underwear Moon. I doubt that it got above 45 degrees today under threatening grey skies.

This is the spot. When I went up to look and see who was parked at the top of my drive and wandering about this afternoon it was a women taking pictures of Sheffie the Mum and Uncle Ernie.

I really am part of the scenery now.
Hi Christopher!
I have missed a few days of your posts, but catching up is so much fun! Your photos are beautiful as always. I love your new Spot. She looks like a gardener's helper to me.
Siria, I hope my new Spot sticks around.
The new camera takes great pictures. The old one did too, of course. You will feel empowered with a 4.7" focal distance.
Your landscape looks more like a painting every day.
The cozy cabin looks as though she is smiling. She is getting more comfortable every day.
Uncle Ernie sure is watching out for all things. Sheffie will be there to help. But, oh dear, you must give Uncle Ernie something to wear for those cold winter days & nights. Or do you plan on taking him to a safe place for winter so a strange people won't come along & decide to run off with him. He is such a striking fellow, his charms hard to resist.
I missed my macro focus on the last camera. The one before was much better. Lord I go through cameras!
Lola, Uncle Ernie will stay out for the duration. He is too heavy to be moving around. I had thought of giving him seasonal earrings, a little skull for Halloween, a Turkey bone, a christmas ball and on and on. When needed he can get a face lift, ie a new coat of paint.
I love that...I am part of the scenery, now!
Beautiful views of the mountains and trees.
To be chosen by a cat is a great honor, she/he will love you forever.
Long live Queen Spot, regal and royal and the perfect companion. Good deal for the new camera. Now is a great time to have it to capture those blazing forest colors. And Uncle Ernie.
Hi Gail, I am withholding a firm attachment to Spot for now, even though I pet her every chance I get. It seems she was recently pregnant which may mean she is another drop off in the woods. At least I hope there are not kittens out there in this now freezing cold.
Frances, a new spotless camera and a new Spot. What could be better?
Cute idea on the change of jewelry for Uncle Ernie. Glad he is to stay put to watch over things. Yes, I can see where he could get new clothes when he needs them.
Great pics with the new camera. I guess we can't have every feature on them that we want so have to do the next best.
I hope Spot produces a warm spot in your heart. She is a beautiful kitty. She looks quite at home where she is.
Those beautiful fall colors are such a wonderful backdrop in your photos.
Christopher, your Spot looks like she's settled in. She's lovely, and I hope she stays. (I miss having a kitty.) And as for Uncle Ernie, he needs that seasonal jewelry - I can't wait to see photos. Yes, you are part of the scenery, and I think that is a grand thing because the scenery is beautiful there.
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