Looking out my new back door, a few wispy maples managed to hang on through the onslaught. Nurtured, they may become big trees one day.

Looking into the past, one wonders what life was like on this mountain not so long ago, with so few if any modern, taken for granted, conveniences.

Looking across the scenic byway, you must listen for oncoming traffic from around the bend.

Looking at a former well tended entry garden, a certain layer of structure still remains.

Looking beside the hearth, the leaves are catching fire.

Looking now at the new bane of my existence, the scratch on my camera lens. When pointed at a bright plain back ground such as a sunset, the scratch appears as a big bugger on the display screen. It diffuses or disappears in pictures, but I know it is there even if it can't be seen.

Oh woe is me, to be surrounded by such beauty and have it marred with a spot.
Incredibly beautiful. The pictures are a poem.
The dust in my camera lens is killing me right now. You have my sympathy.
Dear Christopher, your beauty still comes through loud and clear from your eye behind the scratch. Is there such a thing as a replacement lens?
Your tribute to Grayman and Darkie was touching and beautiful. Thank you for honoring them and me with your art.
Hi Christopher! Wow is all I can say! I am jealous not to be there in person to see it. I too wonder how it was in that part of the mountains not too long ago. There is some pretty interesting spots my way and I hope one day to meet someone who can give me the history of it.
Unless you pointed it out, I would never know your lense has a scratch...I agree with Frances, can't you get a replacement lense?
How disappointing to have scratched your lens. I do so enjoy those sky pictures.
The old chimney and fireplace sure looks inviting even though there is no structure to go with it. It would be nice to have a bench there so you could sit and read or just contemplate the world. I wonder if chimney swifts nest in it?? Or bats possibly?? Or maybe even an owl roost??
I loved the pics Christopher. The old chimney suggest a loving, hard working family resided there many yrs ago. You can still see the mud chinking to hold the rocks together. And the surrounding plants or flowers tells you a lady very lovingly cared for them as she did her family. A family that was deeply tied to the land.
Love the prose and images, but damn that lens anyway! That stuff can just drive you to distraction...any camera shops around for repair?
Pretty shots. Looks like a nose print on your camera lens!
Or one can be impetuous with a complete lack of self control, the typical disposable American and buy a new camera. Which I did. The turn in value on my old new camera was $39.
gorgeous - thanks!
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