I had one possibility for a December bloom here on the top of a bare, brown and chilly North Carolina mountain top. Maybe the new immigrant Hellebore from Fairegarden, Tennessee would have a bloom for me. No bloom, but there are some big fat healthy looking buds in the crown. Most likely they will be leaves, but you never known.
The two largest of the Hellebore from Fairegarden, Tennessee were planted in the ground. About a dozen seedlings were potted up and are safely tucked in a bed of mulch for the winter. They have doubled in size from baby seedlings and have surprised me by continuing to put out new growth through snow and rain and snow and sleet and snow and rime and wind and frigid sub-freezing temperatures. They just keep getting bigger.

Now if you came here for some good news, I can help with that too. It was a good inspection for the cozy cabin. Yippee!
The framing passed and the form was signed. He did ask me to add some bolts on the front porch and back stoop. I need to put bolts through the porch ledgers and the double floor joists on the ends of the cabin. He wanted bolts with threaded nuts instead of the big fat lag screws we used to attach the ledgers to the cabin. Fine, no problem, I can do that. He said he would check the next time he comes back, but I could go ahead with the siding. The framing passed inspection.

The electrical did very well too. It didn't pass on a just a few details. The washing machine outlet and the outlet by the bathroom sink need to be changed from 15 to 20 amp circuits. Ok. We will have to run all new wire rated for 20 amp all the way to the fuse box which stinks, but it is doable. The other little detail was smoke alarms. Oops, we forgot those.
My building contractor harrumphed on the electrical news and is going to double check the code book again and have a talk with the inspector man before he runs new wire. We'll see. I feel like it was at least a 95% on the test. It will be easy to correct those electrical details.
Another milestone in the birth of a cozy cabin has been passed. The house of Lowes is going to be dressed in a new article of clothes. Between the siding and the metal roofs for the porch, I have enough to keep me busy for some time.
Hi Christopher, hip hip hooray and HA to the harumph of the contractor! 20 amps are better anyway, right? :-) I am so thrilled with the progress of the hellebores, but mine never show buds until late January. The large one will bloom, I'm sure, and make babies so you will be awash in a few years. They do put out the new growth, no matter how cold it gets, great winter plants that will hold blooms on until June sometimes. Good news day for sure. You will be warm from the effort of the siding application. It is going to be beautiful.
Hi Christopher! Congratulations on passing the inspections. Now you can move forward with more finishing touches...can't wait to see that siding, and of course the "lipstick". :))
Don't worry about getting awash in the hellebores. When that happens you can send some over the mountain my way.
Good news, eh? Next year we will experience winter outside Clyde from a whole new vantage. Helleborus just thrives on cold. Very weird plant.
Excellent news, Christopher! I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of hellebores on your mountainside since I can't grow them here.
Yay about the inspection! And I love the blue trim on your windows; can't wait to see it on the door!
Regarding the 20 amps, my husband (builder of our perennially "in-progress" house) says 20 amps in those locations are standard due to hi amp draw from washing machine and potential hair dryer at sink (!)
I am really looking foward to seeing the siding on, but please be careful! You are by yourself and falls or other injuries would not be a good thing in this weather.
(Example: while I was away once, my husband slashed his wrist with a utility knife while trying to cut some siding, barely missing his radial artery. He looked like a part-mummy when I returned to find blood all over the place.)
You'll have to train Spot to be a "rescue cat." (:
CONGRATULATIONS,Christopher. Now on to the fine details---like clothes for the cozy cabin. Those clothes will tend to warm her up a bit. But she will need that internal fuel to keep her really toasty. She's growing up, so to speak. Then she can have her cosmetics.
Anxious to see the finished aristocratic fine lady I know she will be.
Yes, your lovely lady needs to be properly dressed for the weather. Congrats on the inspection.
Congratulations on passing inspection, Christopher. One more hurdle behind you.
Hello Christopher, hope you are staying warm in Clyde!
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