I have been going through boxes that have been in storage for almost four years now to see what's inside and where things might could go in an effort to whittle down the pile of boxes. I am also seeing that many things are coated in a thick layer of dust and sprinkled with gecko turds.
There wasn't much time for a deep cleaning before packing things in boxes in the frenzy to dispense with a twenty year accumulation of stuff.
There is barely enough room for the little bit I kept. Most of what I kept were the objects de and these two masks have found a new home.
My computer's other parts were unpacked and will be ready and waiting for the move and for the hookup of that stupid Hughes satellite internet service. I plan to pay for the next higher level of service to start and see if it is worth the extra money. The keyboard was just nasty dirty.
Kihei is a dry savanna grassland with an average annual rainfall of twelve inches. The trade winds blowing across the sugarcane fields of the central valley of Maui made for a very dusty place at times.
The phone company is having "issues" and keeps delaying when my new telephone number will go live. They haven't been willing to tell me what I already know. The buried phone cable coming up the mountain was damaged in a rock slide two years ago and they never fixed the cable. They just switched the resident gardeners phone to the extra cable. Now there is no room for me and a new number. And the damaged section of the buried cable they need to repair was buried under a bigger rock slide two weeks ago that the DOT just pushed off to the side. I'll make another inquiry on Monday.
An old old ceiling light fixture cover borrowed in Fort Collins, Colorado in the early 80's was turned into a table lamp with an old old lamp base. It amuses me.
Objects de gather. In no time the place will look cluttered.
One of my next projects will have to be a storage shed. I bet I have most of the parts stacked in piles in the lumber yard. The lumber yard is on the list too. Four years of construction left overs need to be dispersed.
The Cozy Cabin is beginning to look like a home that is being lived in. As it should.
I'm sure the inspector mans will be pleased.
It sounds odd that gardening is being done there as it seems to still be so cool but as I have found some/most things like the cooler weather.
I see the object de are in, but are you officially in?
The CC is looking more and more like home with all that clutter, I mean your personal objects being put into place.
It's funny how unpacking a few boxes can make a house feel like a home. That happened with me in my house. It was an awesome day.
Lola this is the time when I do final spring cleaning and pull any of the winter annual weeds we have here. It's also a good time to mulch beds before things really start to grow.
No Les I am not in. I just visit. I did not pass the final inspection. They were most complimentary, but gave me a short list of improvements to do. Now I wait for the loft ladder to arrive and there is one confusing group of wires on an exterior light that needs deciphering by the building contractor.
Lisa there are even a coffee maker and toaster on the kitchen counter. By the time I actually move in there will be hardly any unpacking and arranging to do.
Tom my awesome day is coming. It all hinges on the electric power granted when the inspector mans are satisfied. Electric lets water, gas and internet follow.
Aloha, Chris,
I see the Queen has come to grace your hale nani. Once a kanaka,...
After your shed arises from the left-over lumber, I have two words for the left-over left-overs: wood chips. or one: poli.
You are one akamai garden man.
"Borrowed" in Fort Collins, huh? Sounds like a story.
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