Monday, August 12, 2013

The Wild And The Cultivated

I planted the first Joe Pyes. They immediately turned wild. They have self sown with abandon. Very soon I will be able to pull ones in the wrong place without much remorse.

I went to a closing for the season sale ( August 15th. Can you believe that? ) at my NOT favorite local independent garden center. Hosta 2 dollars. Hosta divided 1 dollar.

These new cultivated additions to the garden will add a nice chunk to my planned one hundred foot long six foot wide arc of hosta that will sweep across the shadier half of the garden. From the front porch it will be quite the sight

It's August and the hibiscus have begun to bloom.

Would you believe I actually did weed the basement patio. I left all the Boneset, Eupatorium perfoliatum. Why not leave them to enjoy and let them cast their seed out to the garden? I knew the chances of me making any progress on the patio were non-existent this summer. I'm hoping it can be a winter project.

Give them bare earth and blank space and the wild will move in. If the local seed bank is interesting, some of the wild will be too.

1 comment:

Lola said...

Love that Hosta but a tad too hot here for it to do any good. I just pulled up a good cedar tree. Sure would have loved to keep it but no space here. Being in town sucks.