Saturday, April 19, 2008

Moving Along

More new plants are appearing and blooming everyday, but Daffodil season isn't finished yet. There are still some that have not bloomed. They just have a lot more competition for attention now.

The first hint of the tidal wave that will be the Wood Hyacinth, Hyacinthoides hispanica is lapping to shore. Guess what, there are three colors, white, pink and blue.

I was only expecting blue.

Down in the forest, Stellaria pubera, Giant Chickweed, I think, is blooming, taking over where the Hepatica left off.

The first few of thousands of Trilliums has bloomed. So far there only seems to be this one species Trillium grandiflorum, the Large-Flowered Trillium. So far.

As thick as a carpet in spots, Mayapple, Podophyllum peltatum is sprouting up from the forest floor at my place.

Wooden walls have begun to sprout on my cabin's floor. Hallelujah!! This is the loft end of the cabin above the kitchen and bath.

Stone walls and framing walls.

The Viola sororia, Purple Violet grows in big sweeps on the forested slope behind the cabin. While admiring them today I spotted this very different one. The flower is much larger and a pale violet color. Is it a new species or a variation on a theme?

Spring in the trees is like a mini-fall. The subtle color variations in the emerging leaves and flowers of all the different species is very pronounced in the right light.

I must remind myself to enjoy the pace of things.


Frances, said...

Most wonderful to see sprouting of both kinds at your place. And if you have to only have one trillium, you certainly could do much worse.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

It is always good to see progress. You will be sitting on that front porch soon patting yourself on the back reminising about all those stones stacked up and walls being built. Those were the good ole days.

Anonymous said...

I check your blog almost daily and have for months--since about the time you left Hawaii, I think. I've been sooo anxious to see a wall go up. It's a thrill--congrats!!! I'm amazed at all the work you got done on the rock walls this winter. And dumfounded at all the bulbs on that mountain.

Christopher C. NC said...

I can't tell you how thrilled I am to finally have some walls on my cabin. Two more sections tomorrow I hope.

Viola thanks for saying hello. Are you the Viola I know in Gainesville Florida by chance?

EAL said...

What a beautiful area. The house is looking very real. Trllium and may apple should do great for me as well, but it's difficult to find them.

Christopher C. NC said...

Plants Delight Nursery catalog Elizabeth.

Anonymous said...

Not a Florida viola, but rather Oregon. I spent a few years in Chapel Hill a long time ago. Traveled thru the NC mountains only once. Hope someday to make it back.
Too young to appreciate it the first time thru.