2. Have steps come from the back stoop to the driveway side of the cabin without having to step over the sewer line.
3. Have access down to the basement patio where beverages and light refreshments can be served or maybe even a candle light supper.
4. Provide for drainage around and away from the cabin.
Sounds simple enough.

5. Make it pretty.

The store bought block wall adds another architectural element to the dry stack stone walls and the cement columns. My design senses are supposed to be offended I think, but these blocks look like they will blend just fine. Maybe I am just too tired to care. I just want to build the walls and be done with it.

A terrace will be created by the lower dry stack stone wall and this will make a planting bed that can be used to further screen the store bought block wall.
The first course of stone and gravel has been laid for the lower wall. The interior of these walls are first filled with medium sized stone and then the gravel is packed in around them. This will keep me busy for a few days.

I'll have plenty of time to ponder what to plant in this new bed. It is on the north side of the house, but still gets a fair amount of filtered and dappled light.

For now I can enjoy the Eremurus, blooming out by the road.
Of course it will be pretty when you are finished with it. You won't be so tired either and you will enjoy all of this when you are moved in and sitting upon your porch contemplating what to serve your guests that evening at the patio down under.
Sounds like a good plan to me. ven the store bought has it's place these days. Especially when tired.:)
Hi Christopher, oh the Eremurus!!! I just can't grow it, period. But yours is stupendous. And hooray for more wall building. I hope you too feel like hooray for it, your posts about doing that before seemed like it was a bit of zen for you, fitting the stones together. You will see that we have plenty of the man made stacking blocks too, and we do feel they blend with the natural stone here. Sometimes that is the best way to make a wall that has to hold a steep slope, so much easier and less expensive, if you are buying stones that is. A candlelit dinner sounds dreamy, are you a good cook? :-)
...and you will accomplish it all, I have no doubt. The emerurus is beautiful. gail
I've got it - when you're done you can write the definitive treatise on steep-slope construction, and become rich and famous. (:
In the meantime, I am enjoying looking at your Eremurus since I'll never be able to grow it; thanks!
A lot of work Christopher but it will be lovely when you get it finished. A lovely candlelit diner sounds heavenly.
Soon you can sit back & enjoy the fruits of your labor. But the gardening will remain always hopefully being just a pleasure for you.
Love that Eremurus. Wonder if it could be grown here. Hmmmm
Hi Christopher! I love your stone walls and it will be interesting to see these new ones go up, especially the one of "store bought" stones. I am sure it will all blend in beautifully! The Eremurus is gorgeous!
That Eremurus is stunning!!! I definitely hope you are out there enjoying it.
The store bought block was a must for this retaining wall that will allow me to cover the sewer line. Another rock wall that long would have taken months to build and I want me an inspection.
I am thrilled with the Eremurus since I had been a bit discouraged by some folks comments on its fussyness, particularly thinking it might be too wet here. If this monsoon doesn't kill it, it should be here to stay.
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