The lull after the main rhododendron show is ending as a new wave of summer bloom gathers momentum.
This dwarf azalea of unknownness might be off on its bloom time or it might not. I saw another dwarf, double pink azalea with a few blooms. In a garden that often has one of everything you can't really know. The bloom times of the azaleas, rhododendrons and kalmias are spread over a significant time frame. The native rhododendrons still have not bloomed.
Like I have been doing with the larger shrubs, I unbury these tiny azaleas when I find them. That extra bit of sunlight during the summer and less smothering competition is sure to help their vigor and survival.

A new iris is blooming. It was suggested this could be a Japanese Roof Iris, Iris tectorum. I think it may be the Japanese Water Iris, Iris ensata. And another iris variety is loaded with buds and set to bloom. Even the one of every kind iris have bloom times spread over a significant time frame.

The first of the wild summer bloomers, the Ox-Eye Daisy, Leucanthemum vulgare that line my driveway are showing their cheery faces.

In several beds are the Campanula medium, Canterbury Bells, a biennial grown from seed that is now on its own. I'm sorry but waiting two years for a flower that blooms once is not on my top ten list. Seed yourself from now on or be gone.

They are making a nice temporary filler in the front bed. If you click on the picture to enlarge it you can see two of the Miscanthus grass I recently divided and transplanted on both sides of the Hollyhock, another biennial, and the Campanula. The idea is to fill this front bed with Miscanthus and Chicory as the main players with a few supporting actors like Echinops bannaticus 'Blue Glow' and the Eremurus which has come back twice as big as last year. One pot of Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light' is now eight plants.

The roadside vegetable garden is getting its summer surround of wildflower color. More and more cars are driving very very slowly as they pass by.

The Eremurus, Foxtail Lily just thrill me. There was some concern they might not like it here or would do alternate year blooming. But they have doubled in size and sent up more flower spikes than last year.

Those are the blooms I managed to capture in pixels for June's Bloom Day. There are more things blooming of course. There are quite a few roses scattered hither and yon. The first of the Asiatic lilies and daylilies have begun. I've just been busy being pulled in several different directions.
So if you still need a bloom fix head over to the big time dealer, Carol of May Dreams Gardens. She can hook you up.
Those foxtail lilies do look like fox tails. Very cool. All of your flowers are lovely.
I've never seen the Foxtail Lily before. It sure is strange & does look like a fox tail. Great pics as usual.
Your veggie garden is looking so good. No wonder the cars are slowing down.
I'm so jealoys of your foxtail lilies. I've wanted to grow them forever but never get around to buying any and I don't have the space.
It was nice meeting you during CSF, if you're ever this way again shoot me an email.
Wow, the Eremurus came up fast.
Biennials tend to self-sow, do they not? Totally worthwhile to give them a whirl.
I want more, more, more roses.
I always slow down when I see a garden by the roadside. I thought everyone did. And I'm with you on that Campanula, very pretty, but it needs to self-sow and fend for itself if it is a biennial. Thanks for a great bloom day post!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
I hope they are slowing down to admire the garden and not planning what they would like to eat when it ripens.
Do deer and rabbits not bother your flowers and vegetables? Every year they get worse for me and the beds right by the dog pens aren't even spared anymore. Do you have some special weapon you could share?
The Eremurus are really neat. I keep seeing them here and there, and I find them very intriguing. Your Japanese Iris (whatever species) is so graceful and beautiful. I think they want more moisture than I can give them, so I must admire from afar.
Hi Jill-O. The Foxtail Lilies are very cool. I may need more, but they are expensive. I should sow all those seed I collected.
Lola between the wildflowers in the vegetable garden and the huge patch of the Canterbury Bells it is a flower hot spot along the road.
MBT I am just happy they are doing well. I thought it might be too wet for them here. If I am ever in Chicago again I will be sure to look you up.
Chuck they came up much later this year and at first I was worried they were not going to show up at all. Many biennials will self sow. We shall see. Roses I am just going to have to go light on.
Carol, then it must be gardeners going so slow when they drive by.
I hope so too Les. My garden is tiny compared to the many roadside vegetable gardens in these parts. Mine might be a bit more diverse though. Folks here do lots of corn, potatoes, beans and tomatoes and little else.
Wondering Women, all I can say is it is luck of the draw. I have no problems with deer or rabbits. I see deer tracks regularly. I've seen a rabbit. There is a lot of hunting here, so critters are wary. The garden is along a some what busy road for local commuter traffic and there is plenty of their wild food available. The raccoon however won't leave the corn alone when it is close to ready.
MMGD, if you have full sun and some well drained soil the Eremurus are worth a try. That Japanese iris is close to a stream but not really in wet soil, except from this year's nonsoon spring.
Hi Christopher, My favorite biennials are phacelia/Scorpion Weed (a native you might have in the woodlands) and Money Plant...they do well on their own!
The Foxtails are wonderful..
"Re-seed or be gone with you"...LOL! I've been telling my plants "grow or die" pretty often this year. :) My foxtail lilies are just now showing foliage...hope they get as happy as yours some day!
I am down to three foxtail lilies. I wish mine would reproduce. I am just happy they survive here. They are magical as they bloom up the stalk.
Cars slowing for a look is a nice barometer of how the garden is looking.
Hi Gail, we have a few of the biennial phacelia/Scorpion weed and hope they multiply and a carpet of the annual phacelia. There is a bit of the lunaria/Money Plant about and there was a big patch in the over the cliff dump next door.
Lisa in a garden this size until I might be retired and all I do is garden in one garden, there just isn't the time for a lot of fussing. Now if I had a greenhouse for seed starting things could change a bit.
Lisa GB did you used to have more Foxtail Lilies? Have they been slowly disappearing? Mine set a ton of seed last year that I collected and have done nothing with yet. I need to sow them in a tray and just set it outside since they need the cold/warm cycle to germinate.
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