Saturday, June 27, 2015

Chaos And Wildness

I love my garden. It scares me a little too.

I work all week long making other people's gardens manicured and tidy.

I come home to wildness.

I come home to plants that are in no way under my control.

Chaos is the result. It isn't utter chaos. It has some rhythm created by large drifts of the same type of plants

But the fact remains I am not in control of most of it.

Most of my effort goes to eliminating the unwanted.

Adding new things does not involve any where near the same amount of time.

I love my garden and it scares me a little because I am not in control of so much of what it does.

And what it does is astounding.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

You have so much color now. Love it.

Unknown said...

What are the plants in #4? A friend gave me a handful to Trans plant.....they pull up easily and have shallow roots. My hostas are crowding them out however.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lisa from here on out it keeps building to the final big show of late summer into fall.

Dana that us Gooseneck Loosestrife, Lysimachia clethroides which can be highly invasive.