Friday, October 13, 2017

A Mum

Where was I? Oh yes. A mum.

The only excuse I have is that I am feeling all used up. I have dropped below 150lbs again. There don't seem to be any words left in there.

Frances G. Mum.

My country trembles to its very foundations, trapped by a madman. That is exceptionalism of an ordinary scale. It's now our turn.

In a pretend world it isn't noticed or discussed.

The Sheffie Mums went wild. Their numbers dwindled in the face of strong competition, but they keep coming back.

There is a set time for everything under the sun.

Near the end are mums. There is one oddball. In person it looks like the brown child of 'Clara Curtis'.

Here in this wild, the world makes sense.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

I hope you get to feeling better. Eat pasta. Drink beer. That will put it on. ;)
Your garden looks pretty.
Our country will survive...I hope.

Jan O said...

Many days I come to this space to land in a safe, whimsical and lovely place, a balm. I was thinking the other day about your amazing posts. Sometimes I go back to the beginning and spend an hour or two reading, and absorbing the photos. Praying in an odd yet heartfelt way for our country and its people in this fragile time. Take good care.

beverly said...

I agree with you Christopher the crazier this country gets the more I retreat to my garden. My sheffie mums have been plagued the last 3 years by a little light green spotted beetle which I believe is a cucumber beetle, which eats all the petals off leaving only the center. It started to spread to other daisy-like flowers (Montauk daisy, Maximilian sunflower), so with great regret I banished the sheffies to the far end of the lot by the road. I haven't checked to see if they've bloomed yet, but the other daisies are much less affected. You don't seem to have this problem? I won't spray so c'est la vie.