Friday, April 30, 2021

In The Garden of Garden Ephemera

With The Lights On

This means war.

The pepper spray is coming out.

On The Shores of Turd Blossom Lake


FIGGY said...

Hi Christopher , from TN --I love your posts and your garden. the way you write reminds me of a satisfying stroll unrushed through a garden. Your memorial post about your dad was so thoughtful. I never get tired of looking at what you are doing. I really wish you could hold an open garden. You could charge admission ( the price of a new plant) lol. Happy Spring, tell your mom I send some virtual love her way. -Figgy.
P.S. I also like it when you post about your professional jobs -very good learning experience for me.. I'm sure it's tricky to do since clients may like privacy.

Christopher C. NC said...

Hi Figgy. Thank you for the kind words. I've been thinking about a popup open garden day. This spring has been such a good showing despite the two freezes. No one has complained about me posting on the gardens I tend. So far. I did get caught once when the client googled Japanese Stone Structure or some such term.

Gypsy said...

Good morning Christopher: Ephemera indeed. Strong gusting winds have been beating the crap out of my bearded iris. Plus on a walk through my garden, I noticed selective chomping on my wild violets. Some little hippity hoppity character has shown up again this Spring. They are like little stealth bombers. However, this year I’m holding off on planting my zinnias and hope that the fluffy tailed rascal passes on. Don’t have to fool me twice! Enjoy your day of respite. Gypsy

Christopher C. NC said...

We had that wind on Friday Gypsy. Damn varmints!