Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Audible Snowdrops

I walked by some snowdrops on a warm sunny day and there was a surprisingly loud audible buzz. The snowdrops were swarming with happy bees. Early pollinators are not a surprise. It was the quantity of them that was impressive.

The snowdrops have been divided and spread hither and yon and are popping up all over the mountain. Once established, they spread quite well on their own.

Winter is winding down in a warm spell this week. The gardens are being readied for spring. Sticks are getting picked up and a rubbish pile has been burned.

Winter cold with a dash of snow will be back for the weekend.

The warm has induced more work kind work and the general feeling when I do that is I am ready to retire. It takes a while to warm back up to work kind work.

The life of an aging peasant gardener.

The baby conifers and evergreens still have some growing to do. I currently can't see much detail, but I know they are all growing under natural bonsai conditions.

Conifer people would be appalled by my growing conditions.

But there are snowdrops in a wild garden high on a North Carolina mountain top and I can hear the songbirds returning to the forest and claiming territory on warmer winds.

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