Sunday, February 13, 2022

Blind Man Chopping

It has been sunny and dry for several days running. Six hundred feet of road frontage is now garden quality tidy after the mauling tree chop. Garden quality tidy for a roadside anyway.

There was significant progress made in the chop and drop of meadow remnants. I will admit my normal methodical section by section approach collapsed into long meandering walks across the mountain top. When I can see again, I will be able to tell how good of a job actually got done. Maybe there will be another heavy snow before winter is over.

The witch hazels are blooming and the bulbs are rising. Spring is in the growing daylight.

This morning there was a light dusting of snow. I know better. Winter is not over.

No need to hurry. The snowdrops are out and the bulbs are rising. It is good to take things slow.

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