I had shoveled half the drive the day before. Two more inches of snow fell in the night so I had to start over at the beginning. The growing tunnel effect transports my wandering mind far from the south to high alpine regions of the world. I shovel.

A persistent and moist northwest flow continues to drive snow showers through the high peaks of the Tennessee border counties. That would include me. The snow never quite stops even when the sun comes out to dance shadows across the elevating snow pack.

Some how it seems just a bit unfair that when I drive to town there is barely a dusting of snow at the bottom of the mountain and no new snow at all in town. Up on the mountain, huge boulders turn to pebbles peaking through the drifts.

Despite the better traction than expected in the thin layer of snow left after shoveling the drive next door, I do not trust the steeper incline of the driveway down to the cozy cabin. Besides shoveling one long driveway is enough. Tongue and groove lumber was trudged down the hill through a foot of powdery snow.

Inside things are taking shape. Outside the constant cold grip would have prevented any progress. Good thing it was time to move inside .

Enough of a second driveway was shoveled to be able to pull off the road for lumber trudging and same strange new forms took shape. I wasn't really feeling the cold. What could they become?

There is certainly more than enough snow. Should inspiration strike something monumental could take shape.

The persistent and moist northwest flow is picking up wind speed and the chill of temperatures some where in the teens is starting to penetrate.

Tomorrow ceiling work will continue. When that is done there may be time to play in the snow.

Hi Christopher! The amount of snowfall is incredible. This has to be record snowfall for that area! Have you thought about investing in chains?!
I love the picture of the cozy cabin surrounded by all that snow and the gorgeous blue skies. It looks very happy indeed!
How many total inches of snow do you think you have had?
In northern Va. some guy sculpted a "snow shark" in incredible detail in his yard. It had to be 10' long and about 3' high. Just sayin'.(:
I can't believe you trudged that lumber down there in the snow. You are one determined hombre.
Shoveling twice--what a bummer.
Yeah, how much total so far do you think you've gotten?
It can cause problems but it sure is pretty. The Cozy Cabin sure looks lovely surrounded by all that white stuff.
Determination is the word.
Not long before a much needed rest. That will be heaven for you. In the meantime, stay warm.
Wow you are getting lots of snow. So far we have gotten 15 inches in 3 events here just north of Durham, NC. Still have large patches of snow from nearly 3 weeks ago. Drive into town and there is none left.
I'm also building a porch and have a beaded board ceiling to paint and put in, these mid 20s nights are just great for outside painting.
Siria they keeps the roads very clean here. I would only need chains for the driveway and it doesn't seem worth the effort.
Sallysmom I am guessing but I would say we are at or over the four foot range of total snow for this winter.
Bev, that lumber is pretty light. I carry four pieces at a time. Yes a snow sculpture that big or bigger is doable if I put my mind to it. It would entertain the folks doing the I-40 detour who get to the top and start chickening out.
Lola there is bound to be a lot more shoveling for me this winter.
Hi Randy. We got 16 inches in the Dec 18th tree buster storm. That took forever to melt and there might have been one day of bare ground before it was gone again for the duration. Hopefully your day temps get up to 50 for porch building and painting.
Perhaps you could make an incredibly cool snow sculpture. It might bring on a thaw and melt just like your food finally arrives in a fancy restaurant when to leave the table to go to the rest room. Building a snow sculpture would be way more fun than shoveling!
I vote for snow sculpture, too!
Christopher, did you get the B&B idea from living in Maui? I watched a show of buyers for homes in Hawaii & one of the homes had the B&B ceiling. It was really nice.
Becky that was exactly my thought make a snow sculpture and the melt will commence.
Dirty Girl once I get that ceiling done I will need some distractions while I clean house.
Lola the bead board ceiling came more from seeing what was available in 4 x 8 sheets to make covering beneath the floor easiest.
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