Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Lady Is In The House

There is one Shooting Star, Dodecatheon meadia, in the wild cultivated gardens.

For eight years there has been just the one. It's lovely and lonely. There should be more.

Be like the trilliums Shooting Star, make plenty.

She's here.

The Yellow Lady Slipper has arrived minus one flower. You can see the stub on the far right stem. Some damn bug crawled in there and ate it while it was just a bud despite my hot pepper precautions. Maybe next year I will have three.

The Dwarf Crested Iris, Iris cristata, have started to crank out some flowers.

I enjoyed all this in between chores. Another half mile of paths were whacked. The ridge top garden is all spiffy now.

Tomatoes, peppers and eggplant were planted in the roadside vegetable garden. Parsnips, pole beans and okra were seeded. Potatoes were planted yesterday and a second sowing of spinach was done. Fine produce is on the way.


Lola said...

Love those ladies.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

What beautiful ladies are in your garden. The Shooting Star does look lonesome. I wonder why no friends follow her there.?? Your veg garden is looking ready for action.