Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The New Wild Kitties

After two months of feeding the new wild kitties are starting to show up during day light hours and I was able to get a picture. They are still skittish and run when you get near. Sometimes they pause for a look before running off.

Remove the white nose. Make the white chest patch smaller. Add long fur and you have the other long haired new wild kitty. It took me a while to realize there were actually two new wild kitties.

I have contemplated trapping them. I don't need two more cats of unknown health and breeding abilities. They look pretty good though for cats wandering in the wilderness. Most likely they were family pets dumped on the mountain in the misguided notion that they could fend for themselves in the wild.

Mostly I contemplate trapping them because winter is coming and they may not survive the cold out there. I made a warm bed for them in a cat carrier under the house, but they are not that comfortable around strange people yet.

There are not any problems with the Spots it seems. No fights. No skirmishes. I keep working at the taming process.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

You are wise to get these cats some place for the winter. This one is very handsome. If they get used to people I am sure someone would give it a good home.

Nickie said...

I would take that cat in a heartbeat. It looks like a cat I had that died young named moonpie, also a rescue. so pretty. I hope you can tame them.

alivshecrd said...

It is so kind of you you to help these animals in need.The cat in the picture looks like a tom ,they are usually wider in the forehead,but maybe not.I love your blog,I found it last week and have been reading it from the beginning.


Christopher C. NC said...

Lisa I feel sure they are tame, but like my cats they run fast from strangers. I need to call about some traps from the Humane Society. Maybe if they are or get fixed I could keep them.

Nickie do you live near by?

Hi Kristy thanks for saying hi. I think that cat in the picture is male too. If you read my blog all the way back you will see I take care of at least a couple of dumped pets a year. That reminds me I need to get some dog food.