Sunday, April 13, 2014

Other Than Daffodils

The daffodils dominate the garden during their time. They are not the only things blooming though. Other floral forms can be found out there.

The double petaled Bloodroot has returned for a second season. I take this to mean it has settled in well. Now it needs to multiply.

The Bleeding Heart is back and blooming much better this year. In its first spring in the garden the bloom was shrunken and distorted. Much better.

Bulbarella keeps on trying with the tulips. This selection from last fall's bulb order escaped the bulb eaters.

This small species tulip is back for a second year. The species tulips do multiply and repeat bloom quite nicely unlike the larger more common tulips. But, they are quite tasty little bulbs if found by the wrong varmint.

This lovely little Bloodroot bloom will last for two days max. It can't be missed unless you want to wait a whole nother year to see it again.

There are legitimate reasons why one should stroll through the garden every single day.


Danna said...

I'm saving my tin cans to take up in plant my tulip bulbs. Hope cans will help my bulbs avoid the hungry varmints!
I will let you and Lola know how it works. Would little mesh/wire cages work?

Christopher C. NC said...

Yes wire or mesh cages will work. I planted some tulips like that and they come back every year. They just have not ever bloomed again.

Lola said...

I learned the can trick from a person in N.C. It worked for me. Bloomed every yr. Maybe I had the right kind of bulb.