Saturday, April 19, 2014


Is a fine thing. Much better than ice and snow as the garden wakes to spring. The green is returning in slow increments. Tulips returned not to bloom as is most often the case. The varmints can eat them now and I won't care.

The creeping phlox on my driveway embankment have grown exceptionally well. Still, it may be time to speed up full coverage. My hope is some creeping phlox will end up in the discard rack post bloom.

There was no thought or hope for such a thing. I have counted 25 seedling phlox in the middle of my gravel driveway. All I have to do is let them be. Now I can hope that in a few years I may have a bright landing strip to guide me home in the spring and a short evergreen groundcover the rest of the year.

Surprises like this are not uncommon when you allow nature to be the assistant gardener. I even found some seedling phlox on the embankment.

Rain. Tomorrow is supposed to be a sunny day. At least I was able to get some work kind work done today before the rains started back up. Let's just say I am overbooked. I need to work an extra day to catch up.

There is no catch up needed in the wild cultivated gardens. The important winter chores got done. There is only editing to do and that is a decades long process. No one will really notice that but me. So I don't stress too much about not having more time to spend in my own garden before the big tour in June.


Sallysmom said...

That phlox embankment is going to be gorgeous in springs too come.

Lola said...

I love the phlox. I tried to get it to cover my banks while there.

Christopher C. NC said...

The phlox is liking its location, full sun and very well drained soil. I just need more to get it covered sooner.