Tuesday, March 3, 2015


The snowdrops have been blooming their little hearts out during 50 degree days. Their great numbers become more apparent with each passing day of warmish.

'Arnold's Promise' is at its peak. It must be fairly happy to have produced this amount of bloom its second spring in the garden. Now grow.

The very first crocus flowers were spotted. I think the crocus have been ready to burst for a while now. At the first chance they went for it. Many, many more will appear in the next couple of days and weeks.

The first notion of spring is in the air. The great awakening is coming.

I handed our guests a chainsaw. This section of the back forty needs to be cleared. We will be needing more land for root crops in our retirement years. That means we need sun. Think of it as a three to five year project. Start with the dead fall. Now cut and burn. Have fun.

I have plenty other chores and crocus to look for.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

How exciting to find some crocus blooming. Whoo hoo.... I can't wait. The snow is bound to melt at any time here.

Christopher C. NC said...

There was snow scheduled for tomorrow. It looks like it may have been cancelled and we will stay on the warm side.

Sallysmom said...

Did you give your sisters the chainsaw? Are you sure that is safe or are they used to this type of thing?

Christopher C. NC said...

The chainsaw was used mostly by the niece's boyfriend. He is expendable. Sister #2 did use it on some small things after she watched for a bit. I gave them a how to direct the fall of a tree lesson after they ignored me about sticking to the dead fall. Sister #2 was determined to chop down a big tree.

Lola said...

I know. First comes the clearing. Then the root crops. Love it.