Saturday, March 28, 2015

Six Inches

The weather diagnosis people at NOAA have regular problems with quantities. The general prognostication is usually on target. I just can't ever count on the specifics.

Maybe an inch of snow in the night turned into twelve plus hours of steady snow and six inches on the ground by morning. The low was 18, lower than what was suggested.

What daffodils? I won't know how they fared until late tomorrow afternoon.

Thankfully it wasn't a wet heavy snow.

And it proceeded to melt the moment the sun came out.

Which is good. A guest is coming tomorrow to check out the Bulbapaloozathon. I can invite you to see the wild cultivated gardens, but my diagnosis of how things will be could be a little off.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

I thought it was sad to get snow flurries yesterday. I guess I won't complain to you. The only good thing about spring snow is that it usually doesn't last long.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lisa it is half gone already. With rain coming tomorrow night it will be all gone by Monday morning, then back to spring.

Lola said...

Hope your guest won't be disappointed. It does look pretty.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lola I am hoping the snow will be melted before she gets here.