Monday, May 11, 2015

Miss Collar Wanders Through

There are numerous creatures I share the garden with, some wanted, some not.

The pollinators are welcome. The highly localized plagues of grasshoppers we get every spring are not. The hop in the same twenty foot diameter circle for a couple weeks then are gone.

Every spring I think I need to introduce this natural lethal spore or fungus that kills them. But the birds, all those birds making all that noise. They should be feeding them to their babies. I hear them. I don't see them pecking up grasshoppers.

They were sixty feet away from this lovely tableau so the leaves are not full of holes. I planted the iris and that tiny sprig of variegated red twig dogwood on the right. The rest is what is left after editing.

My new Meadowsweet, a Filipendula species, I'm too tired to look it up, is looking most happy in its full sun, wet ground location.

Free ferns come with the wild cultivated gardens. I whack around them and edit out the competition.

She lurks out there, watching me wander around.

One more look at the Showy Orchis. It will be over soon. Now make seed and multiply. I want a colony.

Miss Collar wanders through the wild cultivated gardens. Button was off chasing varmints.


Unknown said...

Miss Collar is beautiful in the cultivated garden. I think she adds an elegant touch to your beautiful plants!

Sallysmom said...

So is Dinah with your mom?

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Lovely and Lush lush lush.

Christopher C. NC said...

Dana, Miss Collar tends to stay in the garden. Button wanders further afield, as in across the byway.

Yes Sallysmom, Miss Dinah summers in the ridge top garden next door.

Lush and getter lusher by the day Lisa.

Lola said...

It all looks so natural. Even Miss Collar look at home there in the lush.