Thursday, January 25, 2018

A Long Time Peasant Gardener

I am a long time peasant gardener for the well to do with a bit of Fred Sanford in him. The two go well together. What can I say. I just kept doing the next right thing and this is what came out. There was no plan.

How do you plan a fantasy?

What must the neighbors think?

It's crept up on them over a decade. Maybe they anticipate the annual unveiling.

I do.

Because I have a garden 365 days a year just like I did on Maui.

With plenty rocks. I like rocks.

I goofed off by staying home on a nice sunny winter day. My project was starting the cleanup of the roadside vegetable garden. It really must get a fresh load of wood chip mulch this year. The vegetable garden is turning feral.

The winter Under Garden extends all the way up to the scenic byway. I don't spend near as much time up there as I used to. To me that is a sign my gardening efforts are succeeding. Less work. I did begin the chop down of the lesser plants.

I have many acres to go in the next month.

1 comment:

Lisa at Greenbow said...

It is so freeing to get your garden where you want it. The only bad thing is that I always come up with another project. ha... I love your rocks. I sometimes wish I was on a mountain side so I could collect rocks for where I want them.