Thursday, April 1, 2021

Peak Bulb

The daffodils and minor bulbs did a once in a decade peak bloom this year. Everything was just right to make it happen, until it wasn't.

How long will it last? How will it end? That is always the question of spring.

A once in a decade peak bloom happened. Bulbarella and I were witness. It can happen again.

Peak bloom is now in the process of being frozen. The spring bulbs are quite cold hardy, but they do have their limits. The suggested low for Good Friday morning is 14.

Perkiness will surely be lost.

On the final day, as the high clouds of approaching doom cast a perfect flat light over the mountain top, peak bulb was photographed.

That you may witness it too. Walk the mountain top with Bulbarella Stinze.


deb said...

Wow, so beautiful. Glad that y'all had a chance to experience this magical day. ��

Marsha M said...

Ohhh, I have stinze envy. Just went and read about it. This fall will be bulb planting in our skimpy lawn. Thanks for teaching and for sharing your beautiful garden. All praise to Bulbarella for thirty years of inspired planting.

Sallysmom said...

Love it all.

Christopher C. NC said...

Deb it was good for the last week and a half.

Marsha plant bulbs. Bulbarella would approve.

Sallysmom it was a truly good show this year while it lasted.

RobinL said...

14 degrees! I was so disturbed that we hit 21. I still can’t tell if my redbud flowers will survive.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

A most unusual bloom to me in that last photo. Beautiful.

Christopher C. NC said...

Robin it is pretty much a given that redbud flowers never survive to bloom up here. The trees grow just fine though.

Lisa, Bulbarella sits with her catalog, I don't have that one. I need that.