Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Plant This

A few smaller projects were attended to and with the delivery of 24 cubic yards of double ground hardwood mulch, the big job is getting the final touch before planting.

The request was a natural garden that will attract the birds and the bees. The client is a retired entomology professor who still collects insects and has a working lab in the basement. So far he has about 525 butterfly and moth species alone, mostly moths. The entire collection is from this location and is meant to document the insects life of a particular location and time period.

It is a sizable planting area in good sun beneath the utility lines. We'll have to call it the sunny utility hill though. It's former life was a weedy hill covered in English Ivy.

The planting will include many natives, flowering perennials for season long bloom and evergreen shrubs for the birds in winter and winter interest in the planting.

No I did not build this wall, a real contractor did. It is a concrete block wall with a decorative faux stone facing. I picked up all the rocks on site and stacked them between the new planting bed and the overflow gravel parking lot above.

My building contractor came home from the hospital one week to the day after we first took him to the emergency room. It's a little freaky him being almost back to full normal and back home after what they did to him. Amazing really.

I guess we won't be planting him for at least another decade.


Lola said...

That is a wonderful area to be planted. It is so pretty.
It's a good thing he is documenting all our little friends. They are great for our gardens.
So glad the patient is home & doing so well. His zest for life is amazing & so wonderful.

beverly said...

OMG I love your humor about planting the building contractor! That is an amazing result and testament to his underlying fitness - everyone should be gardeners!
That looks like quite an exciting project you've got there! Just get your bill in before the mason does, haha! Hope to watch its progress.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Yay for the building contractor being home and not planted yet. Looks like you have a fun project. I had a Nessus Sphinx Moth at some Virginia Bluebells the other day. That would be a good addition to your new planting. They also like lilacs.

Louise Hartwig said...

Chris, I just love reading your writings and your photography is wonderful. Love your mountain top home. Louise