Monday, December 5, 2011

Damn Wires

You can't even bounce a tree off of them without the power going out.

My wood burning neighbor was creeping around in the forest when I woke up late this morning. I stayed to help .... or make things more difficult as the case may be. You see I wanted the two Black Locust trees right at the bottom of the stairs down to the basement patio and real close to the back of the cozy cabin cut ten feet off the ground. The kitties use them for scratching posts.

It was a delicate operation involving chains and winches. There was a very narrow area to fall between the electric wires and the other large trees. We certainly didn't want them to bounce off of the cabin. Only missed the target by a hair. Good job!

The first tree set the wires to bouncing. They didn't break. Didn't hear any explosions or sparks. I thought all was well until we were done and I went back inside to discover I was powerless. Oops! At least they didn't bounce off of the cozy cabin.

Nice scratching posts, eh.

Actually the real reason I wanted them cut ten feet off the ground is because I intend to use the trunks as the frame for a gate of sorts that leads out to the garden. I will add a lintel across the top, maybe even a swinging gate in between. I'll have plenty of time to consider options for another object de art project I don't really have the time for. It's Black Locust, the stuff doesn't rot. I can contemplate this for years. I did however spritz the cut ends with some strong tree killing herbicide. Other wise they would sprout and try to grow back.

I think my poor wood burning neighbor was feeling a bit discombobulated and googly eyed after the delicate operation got the trees on the ground. There was only a narrow area for them to fall between the wires and the other big trees and we didn't want them to bounce off of the cozy cabin. A little stress was involved. Once they were down he headed home. That's plenty work for one day.

A totally dead Black Locust along the drive came down before the delicate operation got started. It was probably good to warm up with an easy fall.

I have two more small to medium for forest kind trees I can part with along the drive and another really big Black Locust out back that can go. A few more spindly things are on the hit list. A more open forest is opening up. We don't have to worry about the damn wires anymore at least.


Lola said...

You are so funny. Hate those Black Locust. Sprouts all over if not kept cut down. At least at our place way back when.
It is beginning to allow more sun in. That's good.
Good idea for the gate. Hope your wood burning friend feels better. Lots of sick around here.

stone said...

Yay Kitties!
Need kitty pics...
Those black locust are almost as good for posts as cedar amd osage orange, too good to burn.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's my kind of luck too.