Friday, March 8, 2013

While It Melts

I spent my morning next door with the gas man while he worked on the tankless NO hot water heater to see what the problem was. That went well and he was able to get the water flow control valve moving again so there would be hot water while we wait for a new one to replace the old corroded one. There is a lot of grit in the well water and it wears on the plumbing.

While the gas man was doing his thing I noticed water leaking through the kitchen ceiling from the bathroom above. Oh Lord have mercy. I do not need another obstacle in bringing the house next door back to a fully functional life. I had already been fighting a freezing wellhead.

The leak was quickly located under the bathroom sink. Praise be and thank you. I was afraid it was going to be inside the wall.

One of my future projects for the house next door is to fix all the drips in the plumbing manifold in the basement mechanical closet where the water lines are sent off to their respective destinations. I had ordered a big box of parts for that project months ago. In that box was just the part I needed to fix the drip under the bathroom sink. Fixed. Simple. Thank you and praise be.

The snow was melting while we were busy.

The baby kitties were napping. Inside, outside it doesn't matter. Daytime is nap time. All I can do is wait for their middle age. They have discovered the vermin are more active after dark and have set their clocks to that. I have been forced to let them out after dark. They won't take no for an answer. So far they seem willing to come in and go to bed around the same time I do. But there are bigger varmints out there and it is a risk.

I spent part of a sunny afternoon sowing ornamental grass and flower seeds. I think there will be enough of a chill left in this season for stratification purposes. My main obstacle to getting this project done sooner was not having any decent potting soil. I hate potting soil made with ground up woodchips and bark. It's crap. A peat based mix is much better for germinating seeds.

My favorite local nursery is coming back to life after their winter rest. That is where I can buy real potting soil. They are now hooking me up with all their broken pots. See above. That pot will be buried in the slope with the broken glass jar.

I had to go back to the house next door because I forgot to turn the light back on that I had put in the well head box for extra heat. Now that winter is near over the well head is fully winterized. What was the point when the entire system was shut down.

The snow kept melting. I saw more crocus.

Except for one day of rain, the weathers are looking good for Bulbarella's return and a visit with Sister #2. The diagnosis is showing a fair amount of sunshine with highs in the 50's and lows around freezing. We will be a terribly low on flowering bulbs for Sister #2 to see. Plenty mud though. Spring is on time this year. This could be the first time Bulbarella gets to see the entire Bulbapaloozathon minus a few crocus. In years past she never got here until close to the end of the show.

1 comment:

Lola said...

Oh my, leaking pipes are for the pits. We had to resort to putting antifreeze in the lines when we weren't up there. I had to do most of this by myself. Now I couldn't do any of it. lol
Have fun, stay warm.