Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Good Time Was Had By All

I think everyone who came to the garden tour was suitably enchanted by the exuberant chaos of the wild cultivated garden. The rhododendron were peaking. The iris were out in numbers.

The phacelia weaved through it all like a magical glue, flowing to a coherence in the chaos.

The garden to be had a few blooms too, Blue-Eyed grass with a bottle backdrop.

The prolific yellow Louisiana iris.

Iris siberica 'Caesar's Brother' is just starting to bloom in the garden to be.

But the really big show was next door where peonies are popping out around every bend in the paths.

Bit players in the high drama like Foxglove might go unnoticed unless pointed out.

It's a lot to take in.

And the stars of the show, the wild and unpruned rhododendron in their natural shape and natural habitat in full glory.

A few people were asking when is the next tour. What will be blooming here next and when?


Lola said...

Sounds as tho the tour was a very successful event. I am so happy for you.
Will Uncle Ernie have to move? Can he stay where he is for the time being? Will the old chimney be yours?
Did the strawberries become a hit as they should have?

Christopher C. NC said...

Lola a new deed won't really change much about how we go about gardening here. The lines are blurred in that respect. Uncle Ernie will stay put. The day lilies on my side will still belong to the resident gardener. The strawberries were gobbled up.

Siria said...

Hi Christopher,
I'm so happy the garden tour went well. I know everyone had a great time and it is so amazing to experience it in person. You'll have to start planning for the next tour ;)

Christopher C. NC said...

Siria the next tour will be tomorrow evening for a client who could not make it today and has been wanting to see the place for the last year. Lucky them. The rhodos will still be at peak.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Wish I could have strolled through to see all the intensive plantings. All looks beautiful through your lens. I know it would be even better in person.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the tour went well; wish I could have been there to be dazzled! Some day.
