Because of this blog, the world can look back in from a long way off and from numerous perspectives. There was the strangest cluster of google searches landing here today. Twelve in a row and a few more stragglers from all the across the country, Canada and Mexico searching "six big rocks". What? Did something happen out there in the world today involving six big rocks? It was most curious. It was the six big rocks that I did not want to move that eventually turned into a snake in the grass where they landed.
Why just six? I have way more big rocks than that.

I have all kinds of rocks. Rocks too big and rocks too small to be used in the basement patio's retaining walls. No problem. I find other uses for them.
These already old looking dry stack walls glow in the setting winter sun and become very noticeable as the world passes by. But it wasn't "glowing rock walls" that brought these visitors here today.

In this snowless winter my world really has gone to the rocks. But what strange combination of tangents out there in the world wide web led a dozen people in three minutes from NJ to Ca, even Yale, Canada and Mexico to search "six big rocks" and land in my pile of rocks? Diamonds? Crack? Those kind of search clusters only show up when you use words like porn. Most curious.

The workings of the world can sometimes be strange. It can take some contemplating. Organizing rocks is a fine method for generating some contemplation. It is also a fine method for emptying the mind completely, a form of meditation.
I added to the six big rocks that weren't going to make it back up the hill with more big rocks I found half buried in the ground. A new creature has emerged to patrol the grounds.

It is when I stop the act of organizing that it is time to step back and contemplate what is becoming of all these rocks. In the bare bones of winter it seems like a cozy cabin is rising above the ancient ruins of an abandoned civilization. Who laid these stones? What was it used for? How long has this been here? What does it all mean?

I really have no idea.
I love it! Rocks ... words ... more rocks ... wish I could be there in May!
Siria if you should find yourself in the neighborhood on Sunday, May the 20th, please do come by.
Rocks, contemplation, meditation, cleansing, projects & order. This all makes for a happy person. It won't be long till all will be ablaze with the lush that all enjoy. It will be perfect for May.
You will have lots more hits with a title like this. Drool...
The more I look at those walls you built, the more I am in awe. Perhaps a new career, haha!
A Premonition of Rocks? Six Big Rocks? Seems there was another rock slide on I-40 west early this morning in the Pigeon River Gorge closing one lane. I'm guessing both by now. Traffic on the scenic byway has increased dramatically.
Aaaaaacccckkkkk! Please no! Please don't let I 40 be closed!!!! Six big rocks, does have a druggie ring to it. Your ancient civilization is shaping up nicely.
Are they about to auction some of Liz Taylor's jewelry?
I'd rather have rocks of the found in/on the ground variety that are useful in the garden. I realized today that a set of stone steps I'd fashioned about 15 years ago now have azaleas meeting over them. I can reuse them in another project, or I can prune azaleas and dig out trachelospermum groundcover.
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