By a gardener and artist.

Down by the river and on the wrong side of the tracks, the power of gardening to turn what was abandoned and decrepit into beauty and purpose is on display.

A garden holds power to transform souls.

A tapestry of vegetation connects the man made to the divinely created.

And offers a chance for us to contemplate our place in that creation.

Come to Asheville and leave inspired to transform your world with gardens.
It's a shame that more people don't understand what gardening can do. I think it's a connection that all should see.
Lola we are the lucky ones.
Just beautiful! And you have such a lovely way with words to inspire!!!
I plan to be there. These pictures whet the appetite for more.
Beautiful proses - thanks for the preview - I've never been to Asheville, and I can't wait!
This is a fabulous place, Christopher and everyone. You will love it!
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