Monday, November 17, 2014

Before The Next Ice Age

There was a mad dash to the other side of the county this morning to make sure the babbling brook and koi pond were running smoothly and would keep flowing before the next blast of arctic air arrived. It had been raining all night and the diagnosis scheduled the winter storm to begin at noon.

There is one thing I never want to try again if I can avoid it, driving up this mountain in my light truck with no four wheel drive in a winter storm.

I made it back home in the rain. The temperature had already started to plummet.

Even the rain is still making the grasses tumble. They must not be fully dried yet. Kind of an interesting look at the moment. I think they need more cold and more time.

The snow began at 3. It is only supposed to be an inch at most, followed by a day below freezing. If the wind is not blowing it could actually be a reasonably pleasant day.

The under garden becomes more apparent as the Tall Flower Meadow is turned to an icy dust. Now is when I can begin to contemplate where there is the need for more. It sure would help if some things grew a bit faster. Impatience can lead to over crowding.

A light snow falls and Creation, in the beginning, is revealed. There can always be a beginning, even in another ice age.

From my window I can see them come to a stop now, looking, at the little cabin surrounded by an odd assortment, high on the low spot of a North Carolina mountain top.


Lola said...

Rained here too. Tornado warning here. Wind was bad. Turned cooler.

Christopher C. NC said...

It was 51 when I left at 9am to check on the ponds. Now at 9pm it is 21. Turned much cooler.