Monday, July 9, 2012


I am liking the roadside vegetable garden much better this year without all those dadburn sunflowers hogging up the place.

A vegetable garden should be full of vegetables. If the lush state of things and the zucchini are any indication, ample produce has begun.

Thelma Sanders Sweet Potato winter squash from Sow True Seed is setting squash. I look forward to tasting a sweet potato tasting squash since in most years I would not dream of trying to grow real sweet potatoes in my cool. If I'd a known this year was going to be so hot I might have tried.

This hot could prove to be a banner year for peppers. I have never had this many peppers set so early in the season. I even planted the hot loving okra just because I had some seeds. The chef will just need some convincing to get a decent dish made with okra.

It's not like the roadside vegetable garden is devoid of flowers due to the absence of the sunflowers. The wildflower surround is producing much in the way of floral attractions.

Even the vegetable garden itself is allowed to bloom.

The season of abundant produce has arrived. I'm sure the raccoon is already counting the days til his sweetcorn is ready.


Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

Nice of your to share your produce with the raccoon.

chuck b. said...

Vegetable gardens cry out for flowers to relieve all that monotonous green imo. Doesn't have to be sunflowers tho'. There are other annuals.

Lola said...

So glad for your produce. Most all are finished here. Maybe an eggplant or 2. I planted okra also, in front. A couple squash in the containers. don't know yet how it will do.
I guess the racoons are counting the days for their corn.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Rocky Racoon is probably at the water fall washing his hands just getting ready to raid the garden. It all looks so good.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to coming up, sitting on the porch and shelling peas, let me knw:-)
hugs, deb

Barry said...

I have tried to make sunflowers do second duty as bean trellises (sometimes it works) but as yet I haven't tried to lash them together as a bean vine teepee. Of course, the wind this year laid everything to waste...I think it's trying to tell me something.

Fairegarden said...

I planted that squash from the free seeds, too, Christopher, but much later. Thanks for showing what the produce will look like. Next for the taste test.