Wednesday, February 4, 2015

In Between Snows

I see crocus. Actually I saw them weeks ago in the balmy days of January before winter arrived. They haven't done a thing since making the mistake of an early emergence. They just sit there waiting for the right crocus conditions.

Now is the proper time for snowdrops. They have been spread far and wide and will be showing up for weeks to come. The slightest variations in exposure have a big effect on when they come up.

'Diane' continues the slow incremental progress to full bloom. The other lighter hued 'Diane' is keeping the same pace. They are troopers. They keep making progress despite being assaulted by snowy winter blasts on a regular cycle.

Half of Monday's snow is still here. There is a good chance of snow tomorrow. Then snow again next Monday. One day snow, two days of melt. One day snow, two days of melt. The first melt day is usually useless. The second day of melt I try to get some paying work in. I'm not making much progress on my own list of winter chores.

I don't know if this current bout of regular snow is showing me something new or something that has been going on for a while. The tracks I am seeing are telling me there is a lone coyote circling through the wild cultivated gardens on a consistent basis.

I could have tossed the kitties out when I left today. It was warmish enough for them to be out and they have been in way too much. My fear kept them inside.

How many snows has 'Jelena' been through? I wasn't counting. Certainly a bunch. The length of bloom has been most impressive. Will it be like this every winter or will it be that depends? It will be many years before I have an answer for that.


Lola said...

By all means keep the kitties in.

Christopher C. NC said...

It isn't much of a problem when it's cold. When things warm up the kitties have other ideas about being inside all the time.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

You shouldn't have much rabbit or vole damage in your garden this year with the coyote hanging around. I don't blame you for not putting out the kitties. Especially with it being cold and snowy. The coyote will be mighty hungry. I have some crocus up, daffodils too. Silly things. They are up only about a half inch. Like you say they aren't doing anything now but lamenting their early rising.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lisa this garden is too big for noticeable rabbit and vole damage. It would take a population explosion. Generally there is plenty to go around for all. I was happy not to be seeing any daffodils up in the gardens. One year they came up in January and had a very poor bloom after sitting through winter in Feb and March.