Friday, April 15, 2016

The Celandine Rabbit

The native spring wild flower, Celandine Poppy is a very generous self sower, maybe too generous. Every bit of it on the slope in the back ground is self sown. It was brought to the wild cultivated gardens several years ago. In another two, without a nipping frost, the display here could look the same. It is self sowing quite nicely up here.

We don't have quite this much of a slope in full baking sun to pull off a display of phlox like this. I will have to settle for something one fifth the size.

I worked in three gardens today. A few pictures were snapped for Bloom Day in case I was feeling unmotivated when I got home.

In my garden three kind blooms are captured in one shot; 'Jane' the magnolia, fading daffodils and a Serviceberry tree in the forest. You can see the Mayapples marching in the back ground.

This is most likely the last day for the double Bloodroot. It seems to me there might be another piece of it that hasn't come up yet.

This is coming from someone who misplaced an entire sack of anemone bulbs. I know I planted them. I would have seen them bloom if they came up. Today I was surprised by seeing some lilies come up I forgot about. That means there could be one or two more clumps I planted and forgot about.

The daffodils have mostly faded. There are plenty of late bloomers scattered about.

Take a good look at the cups in the next two pictures.

Some are single cups and some are a fully loaded frilly mess of a cup. As far as I know they are the exact same daffodil. I have seen 'Ice Follies' do this on again off again single-frilly cup business too. I have no idea why this happens.

It's a mystery of Bloom Day. Perhaps Miss Carol at May Dreams Gardens knows why.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Wow, you have some nice blooms. Phlox can be so gorgeous in the spring bloom time. I wish it lasted all summer in bloom.

Swimray said...

Someone spilled some paint along your bank. Oh, that's creeping phlox :-)