The backer board came out easy enough with a small hand saw and a utility knife.
After a couple of different approaches, the old water lines were disconnected.
New water lines were taped to the old and pushed and pulled through the tiny hole in the base plate of the wall framing. This felt like genius and made threading the new lines through the wall a piece of cake.
The new lines were coupled to the older undamaged lines. The water was turned on. No drips. Yippee! That went pretty well.
But before I think about doing a tile repair and how am I going to get a stable piece of backer board back in there, I'd better turn on the shower and check that out.
Oh ... Dear ... God! Water is gushing down through the wall. I cut a bigger hole in the backer board to find that the metal "T" the two shower handles and the riser for the shower head connect to had actually cracked on the back side. This piece of metal in the wall froze and cracked.
I think this is a good place to stop for the day.
As long as no one takes a shower, I have running water in the cozy cabin without any drips at all. That's progress at least. Still I think this is a good place to stop for the day. Aaargh!!
Will I ever have time to tend the garden to be? The yellow Louisiana Iris from Fairegarden Tennessee stands tall in the lush. Other new plants may not be so lucky.
The wild cultivated garden does get regular attention from the resident gardener and I always do a little thinning when I stroll through.
This evening's stroll had a special guest, Ms Frances herself accompanied by the Financier. She wanted to be first in line and beat the crowds, I guess.
I'll do a little tidying tomorrow, but the wild cultivated garden is what it is. It will be different in two days and it won't be any different in two days even after I do a little tidying.
Perhaps more peonies will open in the coming days.
More. More is good.
Sorry to hear of your plumbing woes. But on the bright side,your garden is looking very nice and is attracting all kinds of "wild life". Say hey to Frances for me.
Hi Christopher! Hurray for the fix to the plumbing problem. I'm glad you found out what was causing the problem. The garden is looking spectacular and I hope the weather cooperates for you this weekend. Wish I could be there, but I'll have to catch glimpses from your posts.
Hi Christopher. I'm glad you found the problem. I hope that it won't be difficult to fix.
Your gardens are gorgeous as usual. I'm glad you had special company on your stroll. It is always nice to have company.
I see the resident gardener is keeping busy. That is good. Relay my regards.
Best of luck this weekend.
If that tee did freeze you need to insulate around those pipes real good before you close it up.
Personally I think those kind of fitting are junk, my plumber buddy would want to pull it all out and replace it with crimp fittings.
Hey Frances!!
Thanks, Christopher and Bulbarella for taking time to give the tour to two sooners! It really is amazing, both the gardens and the cozy cabin. You WILL get the leaks, etc. fixed, in due time. It was so nice to see you both!
You will get it all fixed, I have no doubts. It is a little disappointing for you to have to take apart your work of art to fix the leak. I am with Randy in that I would put some insulation around those pipes. Of course when you are heating the cabin more thoroughly it might not happen again. Your garden looks so beautiful. Lucky Frances to get to see it in person.
So true Carol. The summer wildflowers aren't even blooming and the rubberneckers/come to a halt drivers are already being seen. A drop in visitor is no surprise.
Siria I am getting closer to a complete plumbing fix. the garden is awesome right now.
Randy there was R-21 in the walls, but no heat for two winters. It will get re-insulated and I am adding a heat tape line in the insulated plumbing box below to let hot air rise up through that part of the wall. I'll look in to other options when I replace that cracked metal "T".
Lola I hope it won't be hard to fix. If I can spin out the shower head riser I won't have to remove but a small part of the glass 1 x 1 tiles to replace just the metal "T".
Frances it is always a pleasure when you drop in to visit.
Lisa all in due time every thing will be in working order. I can't really put more insulation in the wall than what's there without more destruction and in a six inch thick wall you can only put a certain R value anyway. If you compress thicker stuff it loses its R value some.
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