Friday, May 9, 2014

Let It Rain

After a week plus of dry 80 degree weather, we are ready for some rain. The Lush doesn't grow on sunshine alone.

I've lost track of all the new plants planted here and else where. They all need rain. Rain works better than water from a hose.

It has begun with a slow gentle start, the kind of rain that soaks into the ground. Just what we need. More please.


Danna said...

Love the pic of your cabin surrounded by the green Lush you describe. A gentle, soaking rain is always the best.

Lola said...

Love that gentle soak. The cabin sure looks good as all that beauty grows.

Christopher C. NC said...

Danna the Lush has just begun. By the end of summer it will be five feet high and blooming.

Lola we sure needed this rain. We have the proverbial well drained soils and it dries out pretty fast.

LostRoses said...

What an amazing transformation over the past weeks, I check in on you daily but rarely post. Enjoy your lovely rain. They are forecasting five inches of snow for us in Denver on Mother's Day. Hardly fair to mothers or leafed-out trees!

Christopher C. NC said...

Lost Roses there has been many a Mother's Day here with highs in the mid 40's and chances of frost. This warm is unusual.