Friday, October 1, 2010

The Wildest Time

By the end of the season the Lush has overwhelmed the gardener and garden alike. That's just the way it is when the wild is as much appreciated as the cultivated.

Fall waits patiently. The recent influx of a deep penetrating cool may get things moving.

For now the dominant colors of pre-Fall are blue, white and yellow.

Sprawling somewhat after several days of thick cold rain.

In the midst of the wild, pockets of civilized still stand out.

It's the wildest time in the wild cultivated garden.


Lola said...

That wild cultivated garden is so lush. It only enhances the wild beauty.
Fall rains help to maintain a certain balance. One that is necessary & much appreciated.
How are the wild kitties doing? I hope they are well.

Siria said...

I love your wild cultivated look! Enjoy all that LUSHness as soon it will be gone. It's amazing how fast the lushness comes and how fast it goes again. I'm having the "wildest time" this weekend too ~ we welcomed the newest member of our family, our first grandchild, Lilly! :)

Christopher C. NC said...

Lola I think if the paths were a bit more cleared the Lush would look perfect and quite intentional. The new wild kitties are still keeping their distance. I see the short haired one more than the long haired one. The Spots don't seem to mind them at all and I think may actually be out there playing with them.

Yep Siria it is getting chilly now for sure. A great big congratulations on the new grandbaby, Lilly. Hope the new mother and father are doing well too.