Tuesday, June 15, 2010

No Turning Back On Bloom Day

They're back for Garden Blogger's Bloom Day of June 2010.

The Foxtail Lily or Eremurus must really like this particular spot. I should get some more to plant nearby. The chances of me ever getting around to trying to grow them from seed are remote at the moment. Buying rootstock would be quicker and there are other colors to be had.

The Hollyhocks are still here and looking for support. There have been a few wicked thunderstorms blowing things around. I try to avoid bondage, but if they are planning to stick around for many more years I may have to offer them a stake or two. Half of them are already gone. Why are these still here?

The roadside flowerbed is decidedly more Lush than last year at this time. Between the planting and selective weeding, the floral abundance I was after is actually happening.

The driveway side of this bed needs some more attention, maybe a complete redo. After the well was drilled in the middle of it, I pretty much neglected it until I began planting a few more perennials in it this spring. It needs a theme.

If I had managed to take these pictures in the morning the first of the Chicory blooms would also be in this scene. Chicory closes up shop by noon on bright sunny days. It is almost crazy when I think about the amount of time and effort I have put in to creating this selected and semi-organized collection of roadside weeds. Guaranteed there is not another place along the scenic byway exactly like it.

Perhaps at the international hub of Bloom Day headquarters in May Dreams Indiana something similar could be found by scouring Bloom Day posts from around the planet.

I sort of did not realize it was Bloom Day until late this evening. I have been distracted.

This little bit of tile is permanently stuck to the floor. There is no going back now. There was a window of time and I worked on the cabin. I wonder if there is some rule about how long you can wait before doing the grout. It will take several windows of time to lay the entire tile floor.

When the bucket of mortar was used up it was time to call it a day. Another garden was waiting to be strolled.

Hosta of course are mainly for foliage. They do bloom and are now loaded with bloom stalks. Maybe they will make it for the next Bloom Day.

Now we have fancy kind asiatic lilies. New ones keep showing up daily.

I think I like this red and yellow one. Others may find it unsettling.

The new blue alliums are looking good and this striped Triteleia was a surprise because more were just ordered. They were planted last fall and forgotten until they bloomed just now.

And the roses are blooming hither and yon.

It's June, all kinds of things are blooming hither and yon.


lisa said...

Busy Bloom Day you have there! Nice to see you had a chance to work on the cabin too, I'm sure you're spread pretty thin this time of year.

Lola said...

A more prettier roadside garden I have never seen. It looks spectacular.
The tile is looking good. I don't know how long you can wait for grout.
Love that yellow & red.

Anonymous said...

What is that plant beside the rose in pic #7?
I think you can wait on grouting as long as you have spacers in there so nothing shifts.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I am lovin those foxtail lilies. Mine haven't emerged this year. I think they have been ran over by the solidago that is going rampant in their flower bed. Your pictures remind me that I should get out there and rescue them. I love hollyhocks too. I don't seem to have a place where they like to grow. Oh well, I will enjoy them vicariously. Happy GBBD.

Mr. McGregor's Daughter said...

If the Eremurus love it there, go with it. They are quite eye-catching. I like your red & yellow Lily. It works because the red has a bit of blue in it, thereby avoiding the "McDonald's Syndrome' of crayon red and crayon yellow.

Carol Michel said...

That is quite a display on your mountain. I would guess it is a good spot to slow down for a 2nd and 3rd look!

Dig, Grow, Compost, Blog said...

Love the hither and yon blooms. Especially your so-called weeds! Hmm, I like the yellow and red lily as well as the rose.

Melody said...

The red and lily is spectacular, as are the foxtails. Great variety of blooms you have.