Monday, February 24, 2014

Some Afternoon Chop And Drop

The first wave of bulbs, mainly crocus and snowdrops are less than six inches tall. The minor bulbs that follow, scilla, muscari, puschkinia and chionodoxa aren't any higher. The bluebells might get a foot tall. Even the daffodils are stretching at eighteen inches. The spring bulbs are a short lot.

The Lush of the tall flower meadow is six feet high by seasons end. Some of the stems of these herbaceous wildflowers can get quite woody. Winter isn't always enough to knock them completely down. That is where I come in. The wildflower end of the roadside vegetable garden got cut down late this afternoon.

The bulbs are coming. This is almost the last chance to get the last bits of the chop and drop done. The far end of the sunny utility meadow was finished off as well. As the bulbs start blooming they won't have to be competing visually with a forest of dead dried sticks poking up in the air.

About all that is left is my front road side bed and the wildflower strip that screens the vegetable garden from the road. There aren't any bulbs in there and I leave the grasses to the end. There is snow in the diagnosis for Wednesday and Friday. This will be the grasses last stand of winter interest. After this next round of winter, it will be time to cut them down.

The bulbs are coming, after a short hopefully, period of suspended animation.


Lola said...

Glad you got some chop & drop done. It looks good. Too wet to do anything here. Need to mow, pick up leaves & such.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

These bulbs do herald the beginning of spring. Such excitement.